Sunday, February 8, 2009

Religous dispute

Cabinet clash over use of "Allah"
(Taken from TODAY newspaper, 7th Feb 2009)

Still touching on religious matter, this article would analyze the power of how certain sensitive words affect people.

The article is about dispute that arose in Malaysia when Catholic Herald, a Catholic newspaper, used the word "Allah". Malaysian Home Ministry claimed that the word is the preserve of followers of Islam in Malaysia.

Nonetheless, Mr. Bernard Dompok, leader of the Upko political party in Sabah and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, said that the term "Allah" is widely used by Christians around the world as reference to "God" and there is no reason for the Home Ministry to continue harassing the Catholic Herald.

The issue is now before the High Court with the Catholic Church seeking a ruling on the right to continue using the word.

The only rational explanation as to why such issue is being fought over in Malaysia, lies on the place where this word is being used. in short, this article pointed out the indisputable fact that our cultures and sorroundings affect our perceptions on certain things. Moreover, it is also to be noted that our behaviour are based on our perception rather than on realtiy, and it is sometimes deceptive.

As we know, Malaysia is a Muslim country where people valued their religous strongly. This has caused the Muslim in Malaysia to acquire a sense of belonging in the word "Allah" which they frequently use to refer to their God, ignoring the fact that "Allah" is indeed a general term as a reference to any "God".


Anonymous said...

I believed ALLAH doesn't belong only to one religion, others can call their GOD.. ALLAH too as long as their purpose is ONE!

loon ann (andy) said...

Once again the power struggle between Christianity and Islam goes on and on. Somehow they are just unable to co-exist with each other, finding faults with either party and putting the blame on everyone else but themselves…

Anonymous said...

Christians in Indonesia uses the word "ALLAH" in their sermons as well. Didnt hear anyone making a fuss over it...

fs29 said...

It all comes back to the fact that cultural backgrounds play an important role in this matter. I believe, the Muslim in Malaysia acquire a sense of belonging in the word "Allah". Which a matter of fact I could not blame them because they have been using the word since the break of dawn. Moreover, the majority of the people in Malaysia are Muslim. So I guess the more powerful party wins.

⋆katy said...

As far as Im concern, the word Allah is also used commonly around the world. Indonesian bible use "Alah" to describe God as well. So does this issue concludes that they claim the word "Allah" can only be used by the muslims ?

fs29 said...

well.. the problem here is not who owns the word.. the problem here points out that words are not just a mere words. Rather is a powerful tool that can evoke riots and also make peace.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the comments here. I think religion is one sensitive issue that can cause a war; Even how small the matter is. I guess, this sensitivity creates the power in religious words and belief. especially when they are referring to their higher being (GOD).

Anonymous said...

I think the word "Allah" is using by Jews, Christians and Muslims.

Cynera said...

The word 'Allah' refers to 'God'. I dont think it is tied down to any particular religion. For instance, the word 'Prabbhu' refers to 'God' as well in HINDI yet it is not only the 'hindu's' who make use of it. Reciting it in different language wouldn't really make a difference and I don't understand why this is causing such a stir !

Eddie Por said...

I think that ALLAH refers to God and should not make a big fuss out of it. Yeah